Free Chakra Meditation

Immerse yourself in a transformative journey. Experience profound relaxation, heightened awareness, rejuvenation as you tap into the harmony of your body and mind. DOWNLOAD HERE! 

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Spiritual Guidance Programs

Spiritual Guidance Programs

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Now is the perfect time to take action and embark on a transformational journey with ShamanWeaver. Don't let doubt hold you back; embrace …
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The Dream Queen

A captivating service brought to you by ShamanWeaver is available to you no matter where you are. I am here to guide you on a …
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Shamanic Spirit School Membership Program

2nd SATURDAY MONTHLY ONLINE10 am to 1 pm PT - $50/month Inspired by my understanding of the ways of the Mayans on my most recent trip to …
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$50.00 month

Soul Retrieval & Integration - Listen to the Podcast

Then book a call to see if Soul Retrieval is right for you.  Soul retrieval is a three-step process of recovering and returning your lost …
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The Akashic Records

Imagine a computer that keeps track of every event, thought, image, or experience of your personal growth and spiritual consciousness …
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Craft Your Dream Life with the Magic of Shamanic Journeys

Welcome to my transformative 6-week online course! Each module is delivered directly to your inbox, followed by a live 90-minute Q&A …
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My Store

My Store

Grounding Meditation

Focus your attention on your powerful …
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Bust Your Bogus Beliefs eBook

Before you can talk, you’re inundated with other …
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How to Find Your Power Animal

In shamanic belief, everything, animate or …
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$15.00mp3 file

How to do a Shamanic Journey eBook & MP3

Manifestation goes beyond mere wish fulfillment; …
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Sacred Drumming MP3

The constant rhythmic drumbeat drops your brain …
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$15.00mp3 file

15 Minutes to Bliss Meditation MP3

ShamanWeaver is offering her signature 15-minute …
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Journeys of Transformation Book

This is a manual for learning and using the …
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8 Easy Steps to Spiritual Manifestation eBook

Manifestation is the process of bringing your …
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