Spiritual Guidance Programs

The Akashic Records

Imagine a computer that keeps track of every event, thought, image, or experience of your personal growth and spiritual consciousness throughout lifetimes. Within this database are lessons learned, opportunities lost, faults acquired and experiences gained. And the ability to affect your future!

The Akashic Records reveals your true essence and the expression, potentials, and purposes of your Soul. You discover the underlying reasons that you aren’t where you want to be. This is where the healing begins. You get to look at your beliefs.

Additionally, while an individual’s actions might be misinterpreted in the physical world, the Akashic Records contains an objective record of a person’s “real life.”

The Records reports true intent. So, while our humanity wants to judge “right and wrong,” “good and bad,” life experiences lead us to our true purpose: to reunite with the loving, compassionate energy that is God, the Universal Source.

At your soul level, the details are not important. What is important is the intention. Are you ready to reach your full potential?

What is the Purpose of the Akashic Records?

Accessing the Records answers life’s Big Questions: Who am I? What do I want? What is my purpose in this lifetime? How can I fulfill that purpose? Accessing and describing information from these records enables people to discover everything from their essential purpose in life, to the underlying cause of a long-standing problem.

They are a resource of information which was and is available to everyone. It is possible for individuals to tune in, to tap into Cosmic Consciousness, the Akasha. In this manner, you can “hear,“ “read” and “experience” the information.

You come to know that no matter the physical, emotional, or spiritual experience  regardless of the magnitude or subtlety  you draw the exact experiences required to facilitate expansion and evolution. You magnetize the lessons you need to learn. The Akasha hold the answers to why!

Imagine that rather than simply a compilation of words, the records can be viewed much like a movie.

Imagine a recording of all that ever happened within ANY historical time period – any life you want to know about.

The Records keeps track of this information from an objective point of view and also maintains the perspective and emotions of every individual involved.

The reason to access this is to assist you to understand why you are experiencing what you are experiencing. What is the lesson for your soul’s personal growth and transformation.

While this may sound incredible, this description provides a representation of the Akashic Records as an authoritative journal of consciousness and evolution.

My understanding is that God is essentially Love and the Universe is full of order. Our journey in all lifetimes is toward reunifying with the Loving energy, which is God. Each individual is/was purposefully created, as a soul to become a companion with the Creator.

The Records are a way to access information on the journey, to discuss and understand your soul path. Spirit is the natural state. Life does not begin in the moment of birth; we exist in spirit before physicality.

We are spiritual beings having a physical experience awaiting reunification with Creator. In the time of waiting we have the ability to grow and evolve; the Akashic Records are available to assist in that process.

Our souls have complete freedom of choice, free will, and the opportunity to find and uniquely express ourselves. This is our individuality while being part of the Whole. These choices lead many to ask, “What are we doing here?” We are gathering experiences.

Our creative soul nature is finding self-expression. So, we ask “Who am I?” One of life’s Big Questions. Each soul chooses specific experiences to gain firsthand knowledge not only of self, but how these choices lead to experience and experience leads to wisdom.

Wisdom leads to compassion and with time, compassion becomes Love. Self-love and compassion for others lead to understanding. Our true relationship is one with a Loving compassionate God, knowing that we are part of that Loving Compassion. Our true nature is Loving Compassion; we are one with God. Our true essence is the same as God’s true essence: We Are Love.

How to Access the Akashic Records

The Records is an experiential body of wisdom, insight, guidance, and healing information.  It can be accessed by means of a simple sacred prayer, meditation or shamanic drumming. This action causes a shift in your consciousness.

There is a mutual action, the reader moves into alignment with the Records – and at the same time, the Records move within the reach of the individual reader. The experience of the unconditional love of the Masters, Teachers and Loved Ones in the Records can be very emotional.

The experience of the Records is familiar to many people. It is familiar because it is the domain of our very own soul.  Moving into the consciousness of the Records has been accidental for most. For example, you are wrestling with a problem deep in thought, almost a meditative state and a flash of illumination occurs in which you perceive the situation completely differently.

Being in the Records potentially takes the participants into the state of unconditional love, acceptance, peace, power, and light. The combination of knowledge and power found in the Records activate the highest good of all. The energy present in the Records is full-bodied and rich.

You cannot return to the old way of experiencing the problem, you have had a profound insightful “aha“ moment.  Often you attempt to re-create the condition that allowed for the insight. You may try to recall the exact place, time of day, everything that allowed for that connection. Working with the sacred prayer provides a reliable, deliberate way to move into and access the consciousness of the Records responsibly.

The Records are about working with the life force as it is revealed. Being in the richness of the Records helps some people in their creative endeavors, the energetic input can be inspirational and supportive to the artist.

Having distinct experiences of light with the Records, and receiving guidance about the execution of projects, adds to the fullness of the expression of any creative endeavor. The Akashic Records is a powerful way for people to grow in consciousness supporting their personal lives and enhancing their relationship with the Divine.

Spending time in the Records aids in the fundamental shift from self-reliance to God-reliance with a greater sense of the presence and power of God.  It was always there, now it is felt as real. This shift enables people to perceive themselves and their life from a different perspective. Fully conscious, this body of energy is accessible, for the growth and enrichment of each individual. It is appropriate to request insight, guidance, and wisdom, as well as clearing of old patterns.

This is the time in the development of human consciousness for individuals to have direct access to their own spiritual authority. Expansion of each individual‘s responsible relationship with spiritual authority does not eliminate the need for community support from others; it is in addition to group support. Being in community strengthens us individually, and working responsibly and directly with the light strengthens our communities.

A Brief History of the Akashic Records

For centuries, the Akashic Records have been the exclusive domain of metaphysicians, mystics, scholars and saints. Infinite power and wisdom are available in the Records, and it had been entrusted to those well-prepared for the responsibility of deep knowing.

However, in this time of great change, the availability of the Records is shifting. This radical upheaval in all areas of life has the effect of bringing us into the highest possible alignment with the Divine Reality. One of the great tools for the development of our consciousness is the Akashic Records. Within the context of the Records, awareness and development of strategies for healing and change become conscious.

The Akashic Records exist within a dimension of consciousness, now known as the Quantum Field, containing a vibrational record of every soul and it’s journey. The Records are completely available everywhere, location and time do not affect the ability to access the information. Human beings have been interacting consciously and unconsciously with this metaphysical plane.


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